
Biological Sciences specialisation for the Master of Research The Biological Sciences discipline for the Master of Research includes 24 credit points of discipline subjects, as listed below.


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Learning outcomes

Learning Outcomes are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of a Major Study or Specialisation. Students completing this major will be able to:
Investigate, analyse and synthesise complex information, problems and concepts and apply established theories to identified discipline areas.
Understand, in the context of an advanced body of knowledge, recent developments in an identified discipline area.
With creativity and initiative, plan a substantial piece of research using advanced knowledge of research principles and methods applicable to the identified discipline area.
Communicate effectively, to a range of audiences, coherent and sustained arguments to evaluate and justify the selected research question, research design and interpretation of research results
Implement a substantial piece of research that shows mastery of, and the capacity for critical reflection on, the application of theoretical knowledge with a high level of personal autonomy, accountability and regards for conventions for research integrity, privacy and integrity issues.
Disseminate research outcomes to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

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