
This Minor offers an inter-disciplinary study that spans the biophysical, geochemical and social sciences and focuses on the interaction between the living and non-living elements of the world, including the role of human impacts on the environment. Environmental scientists assess, research and manage a wide range of environmental issues and … For more content click the Read More button below.


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The Earth and Environmental Science minor requires the successful completion of 24 credit points as specified below.
Some important information regarding minors includes:
• Minors consist of 24 credit points, 12 of which will be at 200 level or higher.
• You cannot study a major and a minor of the same title.
• You can only cross-count one subject across your degree. This means you cannot double-count more than one subject in your major or degree towards your minor. You will need to choose different subjects.
• Minors will appear on your transcript, but not on your testamur.
• You can declare and/or change most minors via SOLS.

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