This minor is for those who wish to better understand the nature of both the climate change problem facing our society, and the solutions to that problem. The subjects in this minor cover climate science fundamentals, characteristics of different energy sources, the role of energy in human society, the nature … For more content click the Read More button below.
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The minor in Energy and Climate requires satisfactory completion of the following 24 credit points of subjects:
i) 6 credit points of the core subject below plus 6 credit points from the elective A list below and
ii) select 12 credit points from the elective B list below
iii) if you are taking a major in Energy and Climate, you cannot select this minor
(iv) No more than 1 subject from the core of the degree requirements for the student's major can be counted in the minor study.
Students should check that there is room within their degree structure to accommodate a minor study and still meet their degree requirements. Students should seek academic advice from an Academic Program Director before undertaking a minor study.
Students should also note that some subjects listed for minor studies may require other subjects as pre/co-requisites and that due to demand or space limitations, some subjects may have quotas. Students are advised to check for specific subject information in the online subject database before selecting subjects.
24 Credit points
Core6 Credit points
Elective A6 Credit points
Elective B12 Credit points
Contact details
Faculty contact