This is an Exit Only course.
The Graduate Certificate in Science Communication is a six-month program for students who wish to acknowledge their qualifications in gaining further background in science and communication. This degree also gives students the required foundations for further study in the Science discipline.
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Course structure
The Graduate Certificate in Science Communication requires the successful completion of 24 credit points of subjects as specified below. This is an exit only degree.
24 Credit points
Autumn24 Credit points
Learning outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes are statements of learning achievement that are expressed in terms of what the learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do upon completion of the course. Students graduating from this course will be able to:
Evaluate and discuss concepts, perspectives and theories within science disciplines.
Investigate, analyse and communicate global innovations in science.
Review, interpret, synthesise and manipulate scientific data for academic and professional contexts.
Exercise critical thinking and problem solving to develop and apply new understanding.
Communicate knowledge and ideas about current issues, theories and research related to the discipline of Science.
Apply scientific knowledge in a reflective and ethical way for academic and professional practice.
Credit for prior learning
Alternative Credit Arrangements
Pathways and nested qualifications
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Exit Pathway
Exit Pathway
Exit Pathway
Exit Pathway
Exit Pathway
Contact details
Faculty contact
Academic Program Director