Subject description

This is a directed study subject that operates primarily as a shell subject for Study Abroad students or other idiosyncratic circumstances. The circumstances of its use are at the discretion of the Head of School and it is not generally available for internal students. If operating in a mode other … For more content click the Read More button below.

Enrolment rules



ENGL340 - Special Topic in English Literature

Tutorial enrolment

Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS


To view information specific to your campus, click on Select availability in the top right of screen and choose from the campus, delivery mode and session options.

Engagement hours

:None - independent study

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Critically discuss and write about the main competing theories/views that relate to their selected focus of investigation
Demonstrate understanding of the historical and cultural context to which their specific area of study belongs
Conduct an appropriate literature review using a variety of information resources
Demonstrate a developed ability to undertake independent research project in the English discipline

Assessment details

Literature Review (500 words)
Research Essay (4000 words)
Proposal (500 words)

Contact details

Faculty contact

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