Suspension and/or Discontinuation Details

MAND331 is not available for new enrolments effective 2025. Contact askUOW for further information.

Subject description

This subject consolidates and extends the knowledge and skills developed in MAND232. The subject focuses on the expansion of vocabulary, grammar patterns, and reading and writing of characters needed for conversations in a social context. Students are engaged in interactive language practice, real-life conversations, and blended learning resources to enhance … For more content click the Read More button below.

Enrolment rules



MAND351 - Advanced Chinese for Non-Chinese background Students (NCB) 3A

Tutorial enrolment

Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS


To view information specific to your campus, click on Select availability in the top right of screen and choose from the campus, delivery mode and session options.

Engagement hours

Tutorial:2 hr tutorial
Lecture:1 hr lecture,

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Discuss and orally present on relevant topics of Chinese culture and society in Mandarin.
Demonstrate abilities to read and understand texts on Chinese cultural and social topics, and to extrapolate meanings from context.
Demonstrate an understanding of the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western culture.
Demonstrate sustained mastery of fundamental Chinese grammar.
Demonstrate abilities to write Chinese characters and communicate in written forms.

Assessment details

Unit Quizzes
Written Tests
Language Project

Contact details

Faculty contact

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