Subject description

This subject will provide students with opportunities to examine key issues in Aboriginal education within the national and New South Wales school context. The subject will scrutinise the colonial influence and identify Aboriginal cultural connections within Aboriginal education. A strong emphasis of the subject is to examine the historical, political, … For more content click the Read More button below.


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Teaching staff

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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Identify appropriate research & practice to critically analyse key issues of Aboriginal education, as it relates to Country, history, policy & theory
Establish supportive learning environments & creative initiatives where students feel culturally safe & included
Critically reflect on relevant research to plan & demonstrate an understanding on the body of knowledge surrounding Aboriginal education
Develop a sophisticated awareness & appreciation of Aboriginal students' worldviews, cultural identities, histories, languages, communities, socio economic circumstances & geographical diversity
Demonstrate substantial knowledge to develop respectful relationships in understanding Aboriginal students social & cultural background
Demonstrate an understanding of Aboriginal pedagogical practices that meet the diverse social & cultural learning needs
Develop an awareness of 'educational decolonisation' to reduce hegemony & how this impacts on teaching practice

Assessment details

Teach a topic
Icon Presentation
Holistic Aboriginal Perspective Blended Digital Story

Contact details

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