Subject description

The aim of this subject is to provide a sociological perspective on the relationships between education and the community. The subject will develop students' understanding of why, how and where education is linked to the community and to community development and wellbeing. It will build awareness of the value and … For more content click the Read More button below.


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Engagement hours

Contact hours:Combination of online & face to face delivery

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Employ key sociological perspectives to support an understanding of the social, ethnic & cultural backgrounds of students & communities
Develop research skills to gather, analyse & interpret data relevant to understanding the social contexts of schools & their communities
Make practical connections between the perspectives from sociology of education & considerations of education & community
Apply National & NSW DEC equity policies & codes of ethics and conduct in their work with students & schools
Demonstrate awareness of the value & conduct of education equity work in community by engaging with community issues that affect schools & their work
Understand the role of education in community issues such as the use & critique of technology & the diverse forms of contemporary media; gender; equity for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander students; effects of social class; racism; ethnicity; sexualities.

Assessment details

Online modules consisting of a combination of readings, quiz
Digital Infographic and paper
Social justice debates
Social justice position papers.

Contact details

Faculty contact

Handbook directory