Subject description
Please note: This subject had been discontinued and is no longer on offer.
This subject looks at the development of post-war France and the political, economic and social elements that have shaped France in the 21st century. It includes the main events that occurred in the last century (e.g. May … For more content click the Read More button below.
Enrolment rules
FREN320 - France in the Twenty-first century
FREN210 - Twentieth Century France
Tutorial enrolment
Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS
To view information specific to your campus, click on Select availability in the top right of screen and choose from the campus, delivery mode and session options.
Engagement hours
Contact hours:1 hr lecture, 2 hr tutorial
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
critically analyse documentaries, texts and arguments of contemporary experts on France through selected readings;
demonstrate an understanding of the key issues that have shaped post-war France and in the 21st century;
demonstrate critical reading and writing skills by presenting a structured, coherent and articulated argument in both oral and written forms.
Assessment details
Major Essay
Seminar presentation
Final Exam
Presence and Participation
Textbook information
No prescribed textbooks for this subject.
Contact details
Faculty contact