Subject description
The fundamentals of metallurgical thermochemistry and reaction kinetics are studied with a view to metallurgical process analysis in the iron and steelmaking industry. Ironmaking via the blast furnace, new routes to iron production, BOS steelmaking, EAF steelmaking, reaction kinetics, mass and energy balances in iron and steelmaking processes, slag/metal reactions … For more content click the Read More button below.
Enrolment rules
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Engagement hours
Contact Hours:3 hr lecture/tutorial
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Explain the principles and operation of the iron blast furnace.
Perform mass and energy calculations relevant to iron and steelmaking;
Explain the principles and operation of basic oxygen furnaces for steelmaking;
Describe the methods used for electric arc furnace steelmaking;
Describe methods used for direct iron production; and
Perform the relevant thermodynamic and kinetic calculations of slag-metal and gas-solid reactions for iron and steelmaking processes.
Assessment details
Advanced ironmaking report
Short answer/essay and calculations
Short answer/essay and calculations
Final Exam
Textbook information
No prescribed textbooks for this subject.
Contact details
Faculty contact