Subject description

Starting with theory of radiation dosimetry for electrons and photons, it explores the definition of absolute dose and radiation dose measurement protocols. The course examines the concept of relative dose measurement and properties of ionization chambers and their design principles. Semiconductor detectors and their response to radiation is developed for … For more content click the Read More button below.


PHYS365 - Detection of Radiation: Neutrons, Electrons and X Rays
PHYS952 - Radiation and Radiotherapy Physics


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Engagement hours

Contact Hours:3 hour lecture, 4 hour practical, 1 hour tutorial

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Be able to explain radiation interaction with matter, in particular: electronic and photonic interaction processes.
Gain knowledge of the definition of dose and its application in different energy ranges and for different applications.
Be familiar with several types of radiation detectors and their working principles.
Be able to solve simple problems of dose calculations for different particles and energy ranges.
Record experimental data and write reports to a professional standard.

Assessment details

Mid-session test
Final exam
Lab activities & written reports

Work integrated learning

Embedded WIL:This subject contains elements of "Embedded WIL". Students in this subject will experience activities that relate to or simulate professional practice as part of their learning.

Textbook information

No prescribed textbooks for this subject.

Contact details

Faculty contact

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