Subject description

The Prelimary Research Project is part of the BRes/MRes research training pathway degree apckage and comprises a preliminary research project designed to develop an understanding of the scientific process through the experience of research. Students will conduct, analyse, interpret and then present the results of a research project which can … For more content click the Read More button below.

Enrolment rules



BIOL405 - Preliminary Research Project
EESC405 - Preliminary Research Project


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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Demonstrate an understanding of research methods as they pertain to the Earth, atmospheric or life sciences.
Develop literature skills in a chosen field of research and discipline.
Apply laboratory, computer-based and/or field work skills in a chosen field of research and discipline.
Produce a written report and give a seminar presentation to demonstrate skills in the acquisition of information
Understand and apply WHS principles in their chosen field of research and discipline.

Assessment details

Written report
Research Seminar or Poster Presentation

Contact details

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