Subject description
This subject engages with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing, being and doing and the implications for development of culturally responsive social work practices. It examines the history of social work practice with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities and evaluates the role social work might … For more content click the Read More button below.
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Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Analyse the history of social work practice with Indigenous Australians;
Investigate your own cultural situatedness, your family background and its relations with white privilege and Indigenous Australians ways of knowing, being and doing;
Synthesise knowledge of Indigenous Australians cultures and cultural values, the complexity and diversity of Indigenous Australians communities and contemporary issues and articulate their implications for social work practice;
Evaluate the role social work can play in progressing struggles over equality and social justice with Indigenous Australians peoples;
Employ culturally appropriate processes to engage with Indigenous ways of knowing and build relationships with Indigenous Australians people in your local communities;
Demonstrate culturally responsive strategies and skills for working respectfully with Indigenous Australians.
Assessment details
Reflective journal
Investigative report
Case study report
Textbook information
Contact details
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