Subject description

This subject provides professional experiences in a range of social work settings that include health, aged care, child and family welfare, mental health, community work, and policy and planning. Students will develop competencies in a variety of methods and fields of practice. The practice will be determined by the setting … For more content click the Read More button below.

Enrolment rules



SOWK407 - Supervised Professional Practice II


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Construct effective practice approaches in working with diverse groups using a human rights and social justice framework;
Form purposeful relationships with individuals, families, groups and or communities in complex contexts;
Gather selective information on psychosocial issues including consumers’ and community perspectives;
Interpret the multifaceted needs of individuals, families, groups and or communities;
Establish a process to synthesise information from individuals, families, groups and or communities;
Design plans for safe and effective practice;
Implement appropriate and negotiated activities with individuals, families, groups and communities;
Propose models for effective practice in programs and services using evidence from practice;
Consult with supervisors to resolve ethical, legal, policy and administrative dilemmas in professional practice;
Demonstrate a commitment to professional and civic engagement in practice settings.

Assessment details

Placement attendance
Learning contract
Integration seminars
Reflective journal
MId placement liaison visit
Mid placement Report
End Placement Report

Work integrated learning

Professional WIL:This subject has "Professional WIL". Students in this subject will spend substantial time in a workplace and receive guidance, supervision and feedback from a workplace supervisor.

Contact details

Faculty contact

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