Subject description

This subject aims to provide an understanding of relations and interactions between society and environment, including impact of societies on the Earth and its processes. We examine long term and contemporary time scales, and a range of spatial scales from the global to the local. Topics include the agricultural, industrial … For more content click the Read More button below.

Enrolment rules



EESC215 - Environmental Impact of Societies
GEOG228 - Society and Environment: Resources, Challenges, Futures
EESC208 - Environmental Impact of Societies

Tutorial enrolment

Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS


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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Understand the major phases in the history of human-environment interaction
Understand some of the major environmental challenges confronting modern society, especially Australian society
Critically review scholarly literature and materials from other sources relating to human-environment relations
Work effectively in groups
Present ideas verbally in front of a group with some confidence

Assessment details

Reference List
Literature Review
Final Exam

Work integrated learning

Embedded WIL:This subject contains elements of "Embedded WIL". Students in this subject will experience activities that relate to or simulate professional practice as part of their learning.

Contact details

Faculty contact

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