Subject description

Students will investigate the form and function of living things with a comparative approach that recognises evolutionary origins and how this affects the way they overcome challenges to their day-to-day existence. Body plans of plants and animals. How plants and animals obtain the energy and nutrients they need for growth. … For more content click the Read More button below.


DSCI125 - Functional Biology of Animals and Plants

Tutorial enrolment

Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Engagement hours

Contact Hours:2 hour Lectures, 3 hour Practicals

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Discuss the scientific approach to investigate the nature and function of living systems
Describe aspects of how organisms function
Discuss aspects of the regulation and integration of living systems
Dissect animals and plants, compare and contrast their structure and illustrate these in scientific diagrams
Analyse experimental results and present data clearly and appropriately, including the use of basic statistics
Perform a range of laboratory activities with proper concern for Occupational Health and Safety and ethical use of animals for scientific purposes

Assessment details

Online exercises
Mid session theory quiz
Final practical exam
Final theory exam

Work integrated learning

Foundational WIL:This subject contains elements of "Foundational WIL". Students in this subject will observe, explore or reflect on possible career pathways or a work-related aspect of their discipline.

Textbook information

Reece, J.B, et al. (2015) Campbell Biology: Australian Version. 10th Edition. Pearson, Australia. AND Jones, A., Reed, R. and Weyers, J. (2012). Practical Skills in Biology. 5th edition. (Longman Scientific and Technical, Essex, UK.)

Contact details

Faculty contact

Handbook directory