Subject description

Organic synthesis and the physical principles that dictate chemical reactivity have far-reaching applications in areas such as pharmaceutical development, agriculture and the production of paints, adhesives and dyes. Advancements in the design of biodegradable polymers, organic solar cells and sustainable catalysts are underpinned by modern organic chemistry, which align with … For more content click the Read More button below. When looking at chemical systems, three fundamental questions arise: to what extent will they react, how quickly will they react and what is the structure of molecules involved? In this subject you will build upon your understanding of kinetics, spectroscopic techniques, stereochemistry, and the theory and mechanism of a range of organic reactions. Specific topics include: 1) how to determine the structure of organic compounds using spectroscopic data; 2) kinetics and reactivity of alkyl halides; and 3) the reactivity of a range of functional groups, including alcohols, amine and aromatic compounds, with specific links to industrial chemical synthesis. You will refine your problem solving and critical thinking skills through chemical structure determination, solving organic reaction problems and drawing reaction mechanisms. You will learn key analytical and synthetic chemistry techniques in the laboratory, equipping you with the skills to synthesise, purify and analyse simple organic compounds. The laboratories and interactive tutorial classes will put theory into practice, and allow you to further develop your communication and teamwork skills.  


CHEM212 - Organic Chemistry

Tutorial enrolment

Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Engagement hours

Contact Hours:Weekly 2h Lectures, 8 x 3 hr Practical s and 1 x 1.5 hr Tutorials

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Solve the structure of organic compounds using a combination of chemical and spectroscopic techniques, including NMR, IR and MS
Use kinetic data to rationalise reaction mechanism
Predict the product(s) and/or reagents required for a range of organic reactions, and discuss the role of organic reactions in industrial chemical synthesis and drug design
Demonstrate a thorough understanding of organic reaction mechanisms, including drawing a range of reaction mechanisms and rationalising reaction selectivity
Synthesise simple organic compounds in the laboratory and demonstrate competency in, and an understanding of, modern synthetic chemistry techniques, including extraction, filtration, distillation and recrystallization

Assessment details

Tutorial Particpation
Case Study Poster
Topic Quizzes
Laboratory Assessments
Final Exam

Work integrated learning

Foundational WIL:This subject contains elements of "Foundational WIL". Students in this subject will observe, explore or reflect on possible career pathways or a work-related aspect of their discipline.

Textbook information

Organic Chemistry, 3rd Australia & New Zealand Edition, David R. Klein, ISBN:9781119570981

Contact details

Faculty contact

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