Subject description

Many in the health sector perceive educational settings as key spaces for public health initiatives. With this in mind, this subject critically examines the relationship between public health and educational settings, including in the Early Childhood Education and Care sector, and in schools. Firstly, it interrogates how the relationship between … For more content click the Read More button below.


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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Critically examine the historical, social, cultural, and political contexts shaping the relationship between public health policies and initiatives, and educational settings.
Critically examine the dominant discourses shaping public health policies and initiatives in educational settings and health education, focusing on the Australian context.
Critically discuss and examine contemporary issues and debates surrounding public health policies and initiatives in educational settings.
Discuss the tensions between public health agendas and the educative agenda of educational settings.
Investigate the principles underpinning contemporary health education in educational settings, including focusing on educative outcomes; working respectfully and ethically with communities; taking a strength-based approach; and adopting a socio-cultural critical inquiry approach.
Reflect on the roles and responsibilities of public health work in educational settings in adopting the principles of educative health education; working respectfully and ethically with communities; taking a strength-based approach; and adopting a social model of health.

Assessment details

Debate & Written Paper
Reflective Writing

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