Suspension and/or Discontinuation Details

The subject EESC250 is not available for new enrolments effective 2025. Contact askUOW for further information.

Subject description

The subject covers an introduction to common methods of geological data collection and presentation, such as how to read and how to construct a geological map. The subject also provides students first-hand experience using tools and techniques commonly used by professional geoscientists. Students will be assessed on the basis of … For more content click the Read More button below.    

Enrolment rules


Tutorial enrolment

Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS


To view information specific to your campus, click on Select availability in the top right of screen and choose from the campus, delivery mode and session options.

Engagement hours

Contact Hours:1 x 5 hour lecuture/briefing prior to fieldwork, 1 x 6 hour practical plus a 9 day field trip

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Measure and describe field observations from a variety of geological environments;
Analyse and record, via written notes and graphic logs, field observations from a variety of geological environments;
Discuss and critically evaluate field-based geological data;
Interpret geological events and environments from field observations;
Demonstrate communication as part of a team to measure field data;
Discuss the safety aspects relating to field work, including the safety and welfare of others.

Assessment details

Describing Rocks in the Field and Intro to Geological Maps
Ulladulla Exercise
Composite Log Exercise
Geological Map, Log, Cross-Section and Explanatory Notes
Reflection on Field Safety and Team Work

Work integrated learning

Applied WIL:This subject has "Applied WIL". Students in this subject will experience both coursework and a work-related opportunity that typically includes interaction and feedback with industry.

Textbook information

There is no prescribed text for this subject. A list of terms and phrases that students in the subject are expected to understand is given on eLearning. Students are encouraged to consult appropriate lecture notes and texts on geological mapping, sedimentology and physical volcanology to ensure that they understand these terms and phrases. Brief notes on the geology of the areas to be visited during the field tutorial and the questions to be answered are given on eLearning. Printed copies of these notes and questions will be provided during the field tutorial.

Contact details

Faculty contact

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