Subject description

This subject aims to ensure that all first year post graduate students are aware of, and have opportunity to develop competency and skills in descriptive and inferential data analysis and data manipulation, including current emerging technologies. Development of such skills is necessary for successful engagement in science subjects at UOW … For more content click the Read More button below.


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Engagement hours

Contact Hours:1 hour lecture, 2 hour practical, 1 hr tutorial and 1x4hr fieldwork

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
identify and manipulate data relevant to discipline major (e.g. Biotechnology, Chemistry or Geology);
efficiently summarise scientific data in a written and graphical format;
competently use basic data storage, manipulation and analysis software such as Microsoft Excel;
analyse data sets provided to write statistical based laboratory reports;
effectively paraphrase and summarise information published in academic science press; and discuss topics (in class and online)
Identify questions and collaborate with others to interpret a scientific issue/question and plan and document an investigation in the style of a scientific report

Assessment details

In class exercises of data analysis
Oral Presentation

Work integrated learning

Applied WIL:This subject has "Applied WIL". Students in this subject will experience both coursework and a work-related opportunity that typically includes interaction and feedback with industry.

Textbook information

No prescribed textbooks for this subject.

Contact details

Faculty contact

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