Subject description
This subject is the culmination of the Master of Teaching program, and draws together the theoretical and practical learnings achieved across the program through the completion of a final placement, and the requirements of the Teacher Performance Assessment. In alignment with the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, this placement provides … For more content click the Read More button below.
Enrolment rules
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Teaching staff
Subject coordinators
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Successfully demonstrate the full cycle of teaching practice, incorporating planning, teaching, assessing and reflecting as an integrated process.
Soundly display knowledge of student learning needs and the ability to reflect on the impact their teaching has had on student learning.
Demonstrate an understanding of how schools and teachers report to parents, caregivers and the community.
Rigorously evaluate their own professional practice using the APST, identifying personal learning needs and planning to address these needs.
Consistently demonstrate ethical conduct, including adherence to key principles of professional codes and related legislative and administrative requirements of teachers.
Effectively employ research-related knowledge, skills and processes to inform teaching decisions.
Assessment details
Professional Paper
PEX Placmement
Work integrated learning
Professional WIL:This subject has "Professional WIL". Students in this subject will spend substantial time in a workplace and receive guidance, supervision and feedback from a workplace supervisor.
Textbook information
Contact details
Faculty contact