Subject description
Honours students are required to write a thesis of approximately 20,000 words on an approved topic embodying the results of a piece of supervised research and to participate in a seminar program.
GEOG401 - Human Geography Honours Full-time
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Teaching staff
Subject coordinators
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Formulate, implement and present a research project;
Develop skills in undertaking research including the use of initiative, self-discipline and self-motivation;
Develop communication skills both written and oral;
Develop time management strategies to develop the ability to work to a drawn out yet constrained time schedule.
Assessment details
Seminar presentation
Project outline.
Poster presentation.
Seminar 2 presentation.
Honours thesis.
Work integrated learning
Professional WIL:This subject has "Professional WIL". Students in this subject will spend substantial time in a workplace and receive guidance, supervision and feedback from a workplace supervisor.
Textbook information
Contact details
Faculty contact