Suspension and/or Discontinuation Details
JAPA242 is not available for new enrolments effective 2025. Contact askUOW for further information.
Subject description
This subject emphasises the development of students communicative Japanese language skills through the introduction of intermediate level language structures. There is a special emphasis on the development of students oral skills and using the appropriate register to reflect social context, eg talking to fellow students and talking to the boss.
Enrolment rules
JAPA261 - Japanese IIA Language
Tutorial enrolment
Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS
To view information specific to your campus, click on Select availability in the top right of screen and choose from the campus, delivery mode and session options.
Engagement hours
2 hr lecture, 2 hr tutorial:2 hr lecture, 2 hr tutorial
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Achieve an intermediate competency in reading and writing Japanese.
Achieve an intermediate proficiency in listening and speaking Japanese.
Demonstrate understanding of the social context of contemporary Japan in which Japanese is spoken.
Assessment details
G&K Revision Tasks and Timed Quizzes
Project (発表 Oral and レポートWritten Report)
Creative stories and Final 作文 (Written)
In Class/Online activities and beyond
Textbook information
Genki II. An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese.
The Basic Kanji Book Volume 2
Contact details
Faculty contact