Suspension and/or Discontinuation Details
MECH421 is not available for new enrolments effective 2025. Contact askUOW for further information.
Subject description
Introduction to mechanical behaviours, plasticity and manufacturing processes of metallic materials;
Comparative process analysis for casting, rolling, forging, drawing, sheet forming, micro forming, and their modelling;
Introduction to recent progress and trends in advanced manufacturing process.
Enrolment rules
MECH934 - Advanced Manufacturing Processes
Tutorial enrolment
Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS
To view information specific to your campus, click on Select availability in the top right of screen and choose from the campus, delivery mode and session options.
Engagement hours
Contact Hours:2 hr lecture and 2 hr tutorial/practical per week
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the physical processing of metallic materials, including mechanical behaviours; casting, rolling, forging, sheet metal forming and micro forming;
Comprehend the analytical methods of metal forming processes;
Understand and employ the various factors involved in the application of modern manufacturing processes;
Understand the challenges of traditional manufacturing and trends in advanced manufacturing process.
Assessment details
Lab Reports
Mid Session test
Industry trip and report
Final Exam
Work integrated learning
Applied WIL:This subject has "Applied WIL". Students in this subject will experience both coursework and a work-related opportunity that typically includes interaction and feedback with industry.
Textbook information
No prescribed textbooks for this subject.
Contact details
Faculty contact