Subject description

Public Health Methods provides an overview of a range of methods commonly used in public health practice including qualitative inquiry, evaluation, survey methods and risk assessment. There is an emphasis on developing basic practical skills. Where possible, the subject adopts a problem-based approach where students work in small groups.


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Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Explain a variety of research methods used to understand different public health problems
Describe qualitative approaches to research, using key terminology and concepts
Discuss an evaluation program for a public health problem
Understand how to conduct a survey and explain commonly used survey designs
Understand risk assessments as they would apply to issues of public health importance
Communicate research findings, including methodologies, results and conclusions
Incorporate public health values, health equity, social and cultural contexts when considering methods public health practices

Assessment details

Multiple quizzes
Portfolio of short reports
Critical Reflection

Contact details

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