Subject description
Social workers assess children's needs, identify when their well-being may be compromised and respond using a range of practice methods. This subject considers challenges that children and families may experience, including child maltreatment (sexual abuse, neglect, physical abuse, and emotional abuse), family violence, trauma, and poverty. Protective factors and strengths … For more content click the Read More button below.
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Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Demonstrate comprehension of the nature and contributing factors of various forms of maltreatment, and research on their prevalence, sequelae, risk and protective factors.
Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of service and statutory systems to respond to people who have experienced abuse, taking account of risk and protective factors for diverse forms of abuse.
Identify the roles of specific organisations to other parts of the systems that encounter children, young people and families including protocols and referral pathways.
Identify and apply key principles in working with children, young people and families from diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities
Assessment details
Case Study Analysis
Critical Analysis
Textbook information
Contact details
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