Subject description
The subject follows on from essential chemical principles studied in CHEM104 and provides a suite of compound groups and reactions types across inorganic and organic chemistry with application in contemporary contexts suited to the study of Biology and the applied sciences. The subject begins by applying the equilibrium concept in … For more content click the Read More button below.
Enrolment rules
DSCI110 - Foundation Chemistry: Reactions and Structures
CHEM102 - Chemistry 1B: Structure and Reactivity of Molecules for Life
Tutorial enrolment
Students can enrol online via the Tutorial Enrolment link in SOLS
To view information specific to your campus, click on Select availability in the top right of screen and choose from the campus, delivery mode and session options.
Teaching staff
Subject coordinators
Engagement hours
Contact Hours:Please see Subject Outline for details
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
Describe and apply concepts of equilibrium especially for acid base, redox and solution chemistry, with calculations and give examples of biological applications
Explain basic bonding in transition metal complexes, illustrate their understanding with examples from biological or other contexts
Describe chemistry of P, N and S relevant to biological and environmental systems
Identify and describe bonding types in organic compounds
Name a range of organic compounds
Represent organic compounds by a variety of formula types and use appropriate representations to describe and exemplify isomerism, and exemplify reactivity with a range of functional group reactions including biochemically relevant reactions and polymerisation
Perform basic chemical laboratory procedures from written instructions safely and effectively
Record, interpret and communicate results from these chemical procedures
Assessment details
Moodle Homework
Laboratory Reports
Workshop Quizzes
Progress Quizzes
Final Exam
Work integrated learning
Foundational WIL:This subject contains elements of "Foundational WIL". Students in this subject will observe, explore or reflect on possible career pathways or a work-related aspect of their discipline.
Textbook information
No prescribed textbooks for this subject.
Contact details
Faculty contact