Subject description

LANG470 consists of seminars where students focus on an area of specialisation which reflects their research interests, academic strengths and career aspirations. Topics will be informed by current interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological approaches. Students will develop their research expertise and utilise authentic materials in the language of study.

Enrolment rules



JAPA470 - Japanese Honours
SPAN470 - Spanish Honours
FREN470 - French Honours
ITAL470 - Italian Honours


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Teaching staff

Subject coordinators

Engagement hours

2 hr seminar per week:2 hr seminar per week

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this subject, students will be able to:
develop high level language skills that demonstrate familiarity with background to current scholarly discourse on the research topic
demonstrate research capability in written form for a specialised audience in the target language
demonstrate oral presentation skills by delivering a structured argument in a coherent and logical manner

Assessment details

Research based essays totalling 4000 words in English or the
Literature review (2500 words) in English or the target lang
Oral presentation either in English or in the target languag

Textbook information

No prescribed textbooks for this subject.

Contact details

Faculty contact

Handbook directory