Suspension and/or Discontinuation Details
This major is not available for new enrolments effective 2025. Prospective students and students who have an offer can contact askUOW for further information.
Human Geography major for the Bachelor of Social Science
This major is for students in the Bachelor of Social Science and assumes separate completion of human geography subjects that are part of the core requirements for that degree.
Human Geography is a social science that focuses on space, place and … For more content click the Read More button below.
The course explores 6 key themes:
life in a globalising world;the material world; environmental knowledge and management; rural and regional places; urban worlds;and thinking spatially.
Geography is crucial to understanding a number of key contemporary concerns including: sustainability, climate change, population movements and social inequalities. Fieldwork is used to explore these themes through the use of case studies; it gives students the opportunity to consider issues of social justice and ethics, and develop transferable work skills. Job opportunities include various research officer positions within corporate, non-governmental agencies and municipal, State and Commonwealth Departments and agencies.
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A major in Human Geography requires the successful completion of 48 credit points as specified below.
As per the Coursework Rules, only one subject may be cross counted with the core requirements of the Bachelor of Social Science.
48 Credit points
Year 1 Spring Session6 Credit points
Year 2 Autumn Session12 Credit points
Year 2 Spring6 Credit points
Year 3 Autumn12 Credit points
Year 3 Spring12 Credit points
Contact details
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